Evolving to meet the need
We care passionately about what we do. We are a ‘can do’ Project here to meet the needs of young people in our community. We offer exciting programmes such as our Positive Choices Programme, North Norfolk Young Carers, Junior and Youth Hubs, the ACT programme and our new Men’s Group. We provide a wide range of activities including sports, horticulture, cookery, arts & crafts, environmental projects, music, gym, outdoor activities and beauty therapy. We are youth led always evolving to meet the need, turning negative energies into positive outcomes. As a need arises, we are always ready to take up the challenge of finding new and exciting ways to meet that need.

Becoming a friend
As a Project we are built on the kindness and generosity of our community, this is something we are very proud of and it is vital to all we achieve. Becoming a friend means you will be part of an exciting team working hard to fulfil the aims of HYP. There is always something to get stuck into and because we are constantly evolving to meet the needs of the young people, we are always looking for new ideas to turn into reality. Becoming a friend doesn’t always mean volunteering, it means showing your support whether it’s your time, your skills or your donations. Any support we receive means so much as it enables us to positively impact more young lives, to support and help them reach their full potential.
Can you help?
From volunteering and sharing your skills or getting involved in fundraising and bringing new ideas, we are always so grateful. Financial support through donating helps us to reach our goal of providing life-changing services to the young people in our community.
Whatever way you feel you could give, we would love to hear from you. You can contact us on office@holtyouthproject.org.uk or download and our registration form and bring it along to the project.
Our mission is to make a difference, and by getting involved you can too!

Our Activity Groups
See what activity groups we offer in the list below!